Thursday, May 12, 2011

What the....?

That's how I feel when I ride the "Affiliate Marketing Roller Coaster."  AMRC stands for:  "Ah Man!  Really?  Come on!"  What's this new term?  I haven't searched it out, so maybe I just invented something.  It goes something like this.

You get an email that you just got a new sign up or referral.  Yipee!  You wait a few days and check to see how your new downline member is doing and guess what you find?  They either haven't confirmed their registration or they fail to surf at all.  When I sign up for a new site, most of the time, I want to check it out and give it whirl. Okay, give 'em a few days or a week.  You check back and keep checking.  Guess what?  You just inherited a "Zombie Downline Member."  Thanks alot for  getting my hopes up.

Ninety percent of the time I email them, thanking them for signing up, and if they have any problems, they can send me a message.  Hope?  Not a peep back.  Okay, so maybe if I send them some free credits, that will encourage them to surf. Maybe?  Nope. Sorry, I'm not going to stoop so low as to bribe them with money. So, what do I do?

These are just the ones that sign up for seeing an offer or splash page.   This doesn't include the ones on my Zombie List, though it should, since they aren't any better.  I'll bet I have about 20 Zombies scattered out there walking around that aren't doing themselves any good, let alone myself.

"No. 5 Needs more input."

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