Saturday, February 5, 2011

Chasing my tail

It seems all I've doing for the past 2 weekends is making sure my affiliate links work.

We're told by our peers to cloak our links so that others can't steal our sign ups and commissions by inserting their own affiliate link in place of our own.  That's fine.  I get it.  What I don't get is the cloaking services that stop working without an even notice to it's consumers.
You know, something like, " We're sorry our service is temporarily down."
That's just wrong.  I'd really be pissed if I was using SEO or PPC advertising.  What it boils down to is this:  If your advertising links aren't being seen by the Internet world, your not advertising.
I've learned from the old adage to not keep all your eggs in one basket.  This is definitely true when it comes to Internet/Affiliate marketing.
I won't name any names for libel reasons, but I'm now on my third and fourth  cloaking services.  The first one I used, I really liked.  It gave me statistics and even a downline builder.  I used it for about a year until one day I realized it was no longer working.  They just shut down, closed the doors and didn't even say good-bye.  The second one I used, got hit by a hacker causing my links to be redirected to some other site(s).  The third one I 'm on, has recently switched servers and is still having glitches with the move.

For all my troubles over the last two and a half years, I've learn to spread out my cards and not keep them so concentrated in one place.  I'm thankful for fellow online members that email me and tell me when one of my links is not working.

My advice:  If you use a link cloaking service, regularly check your stats and your link(s) to make sure they are properly working.  If you are not happy with the service, change to another one.  Use multiple cloaking services so that at least some of your links are being seen if one site goes down.

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