Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Useful sites

If someone were to interview me and ask me what are the most useful sites that I know or use today, my top 5 would be:

1.  TE Toolbox -- my number one pick.  It has banner and website rotators, link trackers, and splash page makers.

2.  Roboform -- every get tired of having to type your information into all the sign up and sign in forms?

3.  Vital Viral Pro -- link cloaker and tracker

4.  Viral Traffic Frenzy  -- a toolbar that earns credits while surfing to use for your advertising links.

5.  Instant Banner Creator. --  create your very one banners for websites and traffic exchanges.

These are outside of the usual must haves like an autoresponder, clickbank, paypal/alert pay, and a web host to name a few.

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