Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Ah that long word you have to look up in Webster's or use spell check on.

As an Internet Marketer, we sometimes lose site of our goals.  It's easy to get down and find yourself with a lack of confidence when you aren't making any sales or recruiting any new people to your list.  At times, it seems like the best thing to do is cut your loses and move onto something else.  I feel this way, too, at times.  I wonder if I could be doing something better with my time or spending more time with my family?  As time goes by, we need to keep reminding ourselves that Internet businesses take time to develop.  Much like hurricanes, the right elements have to come together to form a dynamic entity.  It takes increasing knowledge and skills and yes, that word, perseverance, to one day bloom like a flower.  Just remember this, the next time you get a message that you have new referral.  Stop for a second, and think that this is one of the keys that drives you to persevere with your business.  Lift your head and carry on.

Useful sites

If someone were to interview me and ask me what are the most useful sites that I know or use today, my top 5 would be:

1.  TE Toolbox -- my number one pick.  It has banner and website rotators, link trackers, and splash page makers.

2.  Roboform -- every get tired of having to type your information into all the sign up and sign in forms?

3.  Vital Viral Pro -- link cloaker and tracker

4.  Viral Traffic Frenzy  -- a toolbar that earns credits while surfing to use for your advertising links.

5.  Instant Banner Creator. --  create your very one banners for websites and traffic exchanges.

These are outside of the usual must haves like an autoresponder, clickbank, paypal/alert pay, and a web host to name a few.

R & R and B & M

This is the beginning of my top 5 segments.  Sorry, David Letterman, I had to borrow your idea.

This is my little corner called Rant & Rave and Bitch and Moan.

It's not very often that I have to be blunt and speak my mind.  Sometimes it's necessary to get it all out and move on to bigger and better things.  Sometimes you need to hear feedback from others and hopefully some will side with you.  This is one of those times when I want to hear what others think about and if my gripe is legitimate.

1.  I hate long-tail ad copy.  Really, does it take a ream of paper to get your point across for your reader to sign up or to make a sale?  As I tell my wife, give me the cliff note's version.  Granted, this trend does seem to be going away.  It's not as bad now as it was 2 years ago, but it's still out there.

2. Who on God's green earth came up with the latest pop up version?  You know the one where it has click here to leave page or click cancel to stay on same page.  I don't have time for this crap.  Stop the Presses.  Well you stopped everything with your little pop up.  If I really wanted to see something then I would look.  Otherwise, you're just ticking me off in a very bad negative way.  I don't know who did it, but already I don't like this person.

3.  It's unnecessary to create splash pages that look like a graffiti wall.  Really?  Does the Internet have a Hood, too?  Must you try to cram every little thing onto every little blank spot on the page?  For example, ASN, and Donkey Emails.  My eyeballs get lost when I see these pages.  I prefer pages that use the K.I.S.S. rule.  If you want to do that on your website, fine, but not on splash pages.

4.  Ah yes, the latest craze.  Let's see how many different badges we can collect.  You know the site.  I shouldn't have to point this one out.  Badges are legitimate if you're in the military, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, etc.  Can you guess that I'm sick of seeing these badges?

5.  Must a site always have a hierarchy of upgrades?  If you don't want free members, which will probably be the majority, then why offer it?